

I still can't believe that I missed the opportunity of watching one of Gua-Qiang's explosions live. This happen at the PMA last month. Fallen Blossoms is still on view. It divides its exhibition space between the Fabric Workshop Museum in Philadelphia and the PMA. I just saw the Fabric Workshop portion today. The piece that caught my attention the most was Time Flies Like a Weaving Shuttle were Gua-Qiang flew 5 weaver from the Miao tribe to weave daily a series of tapestries that he design base on the the tribes founders reflection of Anne d'Harnoncourt's life. This tapestries will later be display close to the end of the exhibition. If you are in Philly dont missed it. It is the coming together of two world. The East with the West, the traditional with the contemporaneity.

1 comment:

Colin Leaman said...

I can't believe I missed this too! Where do we live??

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