

" Henryk Stazewski was a pioneer of the Polish Avant-garde and the founder of the important Avantgarde magazine Blok. He was an incredibly prolific person and lived to the age of 96. He was the one who invited Kasimir Malewitch to have his first exhibition outside of Russia in 1927. He founded the museum in Lodz in 1931. His friendships with Wladyslaw Strzeminski, Katarzyna Kobro, and Russian Avant-gardes had an enormous influence on what happened before the war. Also the international ideas he spread through meetings and social interactions were very important. In 1966, he was one of the founders of the Foksal Gallery. His artistic activities, mostly paintings or projects for architecture and design, make visible contributions, but his activities in the field of cultural initiative were absolutely vital within the course of Polish art history." Avant-garde Institute by Joanna Mytkowska

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